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First Avenue Reflections - Fionas First Day Photograph by Rick Locke - Out of the Corner of My Eye

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Comments (100)

Atlas Tracer

Atlas Tracer 26 Days Ago

Stunning image.

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll 26 Days Ago

very nice

Desmond Lake

Desmond Lake 26 Days Ago

Great architecture shot!

Warren LaBaire Photography

Warren LaBaire Photography 26 Days Ago

Nicely seen and captured!

Leslie Brashear

Leslie Brashear 26 Days Ago

Awesome, creative shot!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

nicely done

Thierry Vobmann

Thierry Vobmann

Hi Rick, original reflections.

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

A fantastic capture!

Shelia Hunt

Shelia Hunt

This is stunning, Rick!

Julieanne Case

Julieanne Case

Great image!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten


David Barker

David Barker

Awesome reflections Rick! l/f

Scott Pellegrin

Scott Pellegrin

Love it.. L/F

Steve Rich

Steve Rich

It is my pleasure to FEATURE your image on the homepage of "The Meandering Photographer”. Please consider adding your photo to the "Feature History, The Meandering Photographer (April-June 2023)" active discussion thread. 6-25-2023

Geoff Farmer

Geoff Farmer

So cool. L/F

Sharon Williams Eng

Sharon Williams Eng

Wonderful eye for a unique abstract.

Sharon Williams Eng

Sharon Williams Eng

Wonderful eye for a unique abstract.

Michelle Tinger

Michelle Tinger

Lovely reflections

Denise Harty

Denise Harty

What great cloud reflections! L/F

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Great reflections!

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Great reflections!

Robert Tubesing

Robert Tubesing

A wonderful image.

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First Avenue Reflections - Fiona's First Day by Rick Locke - Out of the Corner of My Eye
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